Any live music on your wedding day?

You know that your choice will eventually turn into the soundtrack of one of the most memorable moments of your life!!What about the place?You choose the stage according to the type of music you want to listen to. I will give you ideas to make this a reality. My specialty is to accompany all those … Continuar leyendo Any live music on your wedding day?

Musica per gli sposi!!

Ecco che comincia il caldo!! Ciao a tutti! E comincierá anche fra poco la stagione a Formentera e tutti hanno voglia di divertirsi e rallegrare lo spirito,certo? Allora, per chi si vorrá sposare qua da noi...non so se avete in mente che la musica é una compagnia ideale per far sí che la vostra unione … Continuar leyendo Musica per gli sposi!!

Let’s cellebrate!

Qua si festeggia, amici!! (EN)I love sharing good times with beautiful people! If you need advice to organize a good party, among other details and important things to be considered is that of music. If you bring someone to the party who plays and sings well, you will notice that a good musician will gradually … Continuar leyendo Let’s cellebrate!

Vivir así es morir de amor

Formentera always in my heart Relaxing acoustic covers. Can you think of a better accompaniment for sunshine and socialising?... If you'd love music at your venue or event, get in touch!

Love is in the air

♡Congrats Dany & Mario♡The best Formenteramanti Love is in the air everywhere I look around...Love is in the air every sight and every sound... Formentera é un luogo magico! Chi viene a sposarsi qua lo sa bene!! Suonando la mia chitarra per voi e insieme al vostro vero e caldo amore si sentono tante emozioni...qui … Continuar leyendo Love is in the air

LUNA piena a Formentera Questa estate si cellebra insieme a gli amici, e ci accompagna la la chitarra e anche luna in qualche bella serata. Este verano celebremos juntos fiestas llenas de magia y de luna. Ricordatevi di chiamarmi per suonare!!! Quién se anime a organizar que no se olvide de llamar la guitarrista más cool de toda … Continuar leyendo LUNA piena a Formentera

Why not hacer tu fiesta en el mar?

Photo by @Irina Zadek (English below) Si hay algo que me gusta es dar buenas noticias.Estáis preparados para disfrutar de la magia de la isla con @a_son_de_mar_formentera?La manera más fácil y bonita de disfrutar de nuestro mar.Con @a_son_de_mar_formentera podrás organizar tu mejor fiesta a bordo y con la mejor música en vivo!!No lo dudes y … Continuar leyendo Why not hacer tu fiesta en el mar?

Memorable moments of your life

Visit: What music genres would you like to listen to on your wedding day?…You know that your choice will eventually turn into the soundtrack of one of the most memorable moments of your life!! What about the place?You choose the stage according to the type of music you want to listen to. " Raíces … Continuar leyendo Memorable moments of your life

Mágica espera

Cuando estamos esperando la llegada de la novia todo se vuelve repentinamente mágico. Todos están en silencio mientras los nervios se contraen y los corazones parecen detenerse junto con la respiración ... solo la llegada de la novia hará que todo se relaje y el el corazón vuelva a latir seguramente un poco más alegre … Continuar leyendo Mágica espera

The magic wedding aisle

It's ...Magic! The ceremony hall has magic!Just the instant before the arrival of the bride magic is everywhere. All the guests are waiting in silence, nerves contract and hearts seem to stop along with breathing eternally. Only her arrival can ease the tension. She will approach slowly taking sure steps to walk the wedding aisle … Continuar leyendo The magic wedding aisle